Since we moved to the Kootenays (1 ½ years ago) we have gotten very few heavy snowfall events. This year winter started a bit earlier than last and we had our first snow day with an 8 hour power outage.

We are very fortunate to be on well water that is gravity fed from a big holding tank at the top of the hill. We also have a wood stove that we heat with. So water and heat are not an issue when these outages occur. However, we also have a fairly steep driveway and that much snow, while not hindering us getting down, does make getting back up to the house dicey. Fortunately, the landlord has a bulldozer with a blade and keeps the driveway cleared for us. We are actually grateful

for the snow cover, because more snow, means more
moisture in the ground and less chance of fires come
And… we have a new kitten that just loves to play in the
snow. Her name is Spiff. We have had her for four months
and she is already a mouser. She loves to hide out around
the wood pile and under my new shed.
I really appreciate having snow for the holidays and the Christmas lights reflect beautifully off the white blanket. Happy New Year to all and wishing you a great 2025 as we look forward to another year.