About Me

I have 30 years experience in a variety of roles in the not-for-profit sector, all of which involved extensive administrative tasks. Not-for-profits and entrepreneurs hire me to streamline their business operations so they can free up valuable time and resources to focus on strategic growth and achieving their organizational goals. I live in the Slocan Valley in the West Kootenays of BC, with my husband (Mark) and our two cats.

Here’s my story:

Since 1997, I have worked in the not-for-profit sector. From a resource person, to a Farm and Office manager, my career trajectory led eventually to serving as the Executive Director of a number of children’s camps, retreat centres, industry and environmental associations.

Along the way, I’ve had the opportunity to learn a variety of time, process, financial and data management tools as well as learning to function effectively in a many-faceted workplace. They say variety is the spice of life, and I love to acquire new skills and grow as a person.

When a scarcity of funds forced a layoff in my last role, I jumped at the opportunity to apply all of the skills and experience I have gained over the years to help others succeed in their business endeavours. It is a real joy to be a participant in others success and help make their work and life less stressful.

Despite all of my experience in managing organizations for others, as a first time entrepreneur I learned things about business that I never could have imagined. Customer service, credit card processing, time management  systems, AI technology, networking and, most important, cash flow.

Today my company, Dragonfly Meadows Virtual Solutions helps not-for-profits and small business focus on the tasks and opportunities that fuel them toward growth and meeting their organizational goals. More money, more efficiently with less stress.

My business name came about because one summer there was a bumper crop of dragonflies — hundreds at a time — that spent several weeks around our yard and over my water garden. Dragonflies over the meadow became Dragonfly Meadows.

In my free time I enjoy gardening (including my water garden), hiking, letterboxing and creating herbal remedies for my family. I also run a local 4-H club for youth.

Hello, I’m Gwen and I’m excited to work with you to help you streamline your business and give you time to focus on what matters most to you.

Contact Me:

To schedule a 30 minute free consult or book an appointment.

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