- A free (up to 30 minutes) Consultation helps us determine whether we are a good fit for mutual business success. Book a call with me
- I offer a 1hr, 5hr or 10hr debit card which buys the respective number of my working hours. [Hours expire 1 year from purchase date and can be used in any combination or spread out as your schedule requires].
- Once a Debit Card has been purchased, we start with an Intake call of up to 30 minutes where we discuss specifically what tasks will be assigned/completed: my working hours, deadlines and expectations around communications and delegating. Schedule an Intake call with me.
- Followed up within 24 hours by a New Client Welcome letter and a Memo of Understanding that includes:
- The general kind of tasks we have agreed upon (this is flexible as time progresses)
- When I’m at my desk and available to you
- My commitment to confidentiality, non-disclosure and systems in place to ensure data security for your business
- Your commitment to clear, precise delegation and timely submission of required documents to facilitate task completion
- Where to buy time
- You delegate specific tasks to me (via email or Zoom). I schedule those tasks into my work week, prioritizing as required to manage deadlines from multiple clients. I report back to you as specific tasks are completed.
- Each Monday morning you receive an email update from me letting you know how much time is left on your Virtual Debit Card. [NOTE: If I am doing a significant amount of work for you and your Debit Card is running low, I will update you and remind you to purchase more hours at about the 1 hr level.]